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Geoprime is the secret recipe for reducing CO2 emissions. Learn more
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I want to reduce the CO2 footprint of hollow-core slabs and other construction products
I want to reduce the CO2 footprint of my landscaping and infrastructure concrete products
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Interim report
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Learn more about the change
Betolar's solution enables up to 80% lower greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional cement-based materials.
The quality and responsibility of the sidestreams used in Betolar's solution are verified before the implementation of the commercial manufacturing of Geoprime products.
Ensuring responsibility in the value chain requires supply chain responsibiity management and transparency. Betolar strives to ensure responsible practices.
We do our best to make Betolar the best place to make a difference, learn and develop as a professional and feel good on an individual level.
Shared values guide our actions, which we have defined as courage, commitment to responsibility and doing things together.
At Betolar, we believe that true equality means that every single person, regardless of their background, characteristics or beliefs, should have an equal chance at success.
Women in management team
(2022: 11%)
(2022: 60)
Female Board Members
(2022: 33%)
We at Betolar are committed to the continuous development of our management system and quality standards as part of our mode of operation. Here you will find our related certifications.
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