How can we help you?


We'd love to hear from you! Please send us a message, and we'll get back to you shortly.

Betolar Plc

Mannilantie 9
43300 Kannonkoski

You can approach us by using our contact form below.

Billing information

Dear Partner

We hope to receive invoices primarily in electronic form. If your company does not have the opportunity to deliver e-invoices or send invoices by e-mail, you can send paper invoices to the scanning service address.

1. E-invoicing

Betolar Ltd, VAT nro FI28006383
E-invoicing address: 003728006383
Operator: Maventa (003721291126)
ID when sending through banking network: DABAFIHH*

*Please use this ID in case invoices cannot be sent directly to Maventas ID from your e-invoicing system.

2. Invoices by e-mail to the scanning service

We only accept invoices for the scanning service. For example, information and marketing material should not be sent to this address.

Invoices must be sent to the service by e-mail attachment (PDF form) and the invoice attachments must be in the same file as the invoice itself.

E-mail invoice address:

  • Multiple invoices can be sent in a single e-mail as long as each invoice is a separate attachment.
  • All files must have a different name.
  • The maximum size of one e-mail is 5Mb.
  • PDF files must be genuine PDF documents (PDF version 1.3 or later)
  • PDF files must not be locked or password protected
  • The outer dimension of the document can be at most 210 x 297 mm.
  • The allowed characters in the attachment name are common characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9. Please don’t use special characters when naming the attachments.